shaping children's faith through story

Why did we turn off the lights when we talked about how God made the world? Waiting in Darkness

When my four year old recently asked this question (about the year prior!), I was shocked and delighted at the clarity with which he remembered our first night of Advent. We had cut our tree the day before, and my husband and I secretly strung the lights after the kids went to bed. On Sunday we gathered next to the tree in our living room, lit a candle, and turned off the lights. I explained that it was the first Sunday of Advent, a season for waiting. During Advent, which means “coming,” we remember how the world waited for Jesus to come as a baby in Bethlehem. We also think about the darkness in our own world and hearts as we wait for Christ’s light to come, today. And finally, we wait for Jesus’ second coming, the day when he’ll return to make all things new.

“While we wait,” I whispered with expectancy, “we’re going to tell the story of how the world waited for Jesus. Each night we’ll take turns hanging one ornament on our tree to help us remember. We begin, now, with the very first sentence in the entire Bible [whispered slowly, with awe and wonder]… In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, ‘let there be light.'” And at this very moment my husband hit the switch for the lights and my kids saw the illuminated tree and garland for the first time that season. It’s a bit dramatic, I know; I absolutely love it! And my son’s recent question affirmed every delicious detail.

I love Advent for how it gives context to our darkness. I know that Jesus saves. I know that God works all things together for our good. But I also know that this world is broken and we join with all of creation in groaning as we eagerly await redemption’s fullness. Like no other season, Advent fills a unique place in my soul that cries out to acknowledge and grieve the particulars of this painful darkness. It doesn’t move me on to joy too quickly, but like my very real life demands that I linger in the waiting. Yet it doesn’t leave me there forever, but leads me to watch for glimmers of the light that will someday break forth as the dawn.

So my family sits in darkness to intensify the glory of the coming light. In our home we try to hold back on most of the festivities until Christmas Eve, which begins a nearly two week period of joyfully celebrating the incarnation. Each morning during Advent my kids open an envelope to discover the special thing we’ll do, that day, to prepare for Christmas. Then before dinner we add an ornament to the tree that symbolizes a story in the history of redemption (our modified version of a Jesse Tree). We do it like this so that we can discuss the story while eating (my kids don’t nap so after dinner we’re all pretty anxious to get them in bed😊). On Christmas Eve we finally pull out the rest of our family’s special Christmas ornaments, adding our unique story to that shared by all Christians. To officially begin our celebration we read Sally Lloyd-Jones’ Song of the Stars and each open one gift (which has been something special to wear to the Christmas Eve service at church).

I hope to write a few more posts about Advent in the coming weeks, but wanted to get this out now as you are making plans for the coming season. If it resonates with you, please subscribe in the sidebar so that you’re notified when I do write more. If you’re curious as to how the specific themes of Advent (waiting, longing, darkness, hope) fit into the whole of the Christian year, you might be interested in Why celebrate the Christian year?. Finally,  please leave a comment if there are particular aspects of Advent or our  traditions about which you are especially curious. Thank you!

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  1. Jennifer Love

    “So my family sits in darkness to intensify the glory of the coming light.”
    I love this so much! So neat to hear how other families are doing similar traditions with their own little twist. Where did you get the Jesse Tree ornaments from?

    • Alyssa

      Thank you so much, Jennifer! We bought the printable from an etsy shop several years ago and glued them onto cardstock disks during a women’s ministry event. I had always planned on investing in a nicer set, at some point, but haven’t yet been able to justify it because ours are still in such good shape! I have been following you on instagram, however, and have had my eye on yours. They’re beautiful, and I especially love that they come with your husband’s devotional book! Hopefully I’ll put together a post on Advent resources, soon, but in the meantime people can find you at Intentional Traditions’ Etsy shop

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